
Acrylic on canvas 



What is a flow? Should we follow the flow or should we be different and go against it? The more I observe people, the more I realize that people need both to feel special by trying to be different and to move collectively so that they don’t feel alone… And so “flows” are formed. These flows are linked to ideologies, lifestyles or simple beliefs and knowledge. Many people, in order to satisfy their ego (if there are many moving in their direction), change their path and start to oppress people with different beliefs and thoughts, believing that other people are herds. But in doing so, they find people who are moving in the same direction, so as not to feel alone and to find courage… Even people who are lonely, not because of their ego but because they question and think a lot about life, need people who are like them, because human beings are social beings. So when I look at people, I don’t see herds and different people, I just see people moving in different streams, some of them like dead fish, moving in the direction of the water and some of them moving in the opposite direction. But actually in every human being there is an identity that moves in these two directions, only the issues are different. The leaven of human flows consists of thought and belief.

It is actually pointless to think and question too much on every subject in life. Trusting people on unimportant issues will create time and energy to think about the important issues in one’s life. Thus, one can create or find the flow one needs.

This painting is in an abstract style and I depicted people like waves of water. This painting reflects my hope for the future, not the current flow of people. So people of different flows are in unity and harmony. In this picture there is no violence against those who are different, on the contrary there is support. Remember, if someone is polluting this water where we all are and not harming us, blaming them for different aspects means that we are polluting this water.