The Time

size : 50X70 

oil paint on canvas


In many cultures, pomegranate is associated with fertility, abundance and continuity of life. However, in this work, the pomegranate is used not as a symbol of fertility, but as a representative of unity and integrity. Considering that each grain in the pomegranate represents the individuals of a society or state, this fruit is a strong symbol of the unbreakable bond between the state and the people. Although the fruit remains whole and unbroken, the golden liquid that flows from it falls to the ground, symbolizing the contributions of individuals or the people to the state or their experiences in the cycle of life with the passage of time.


The fact that this spilled golden liquid turns into golden grains as it falls to the ground implies that individual contributions gain value over time, that each individual’s contribution to society or the state is worth gold. The maturity and experiences that time brings enriches society even more with the contributions that become valuable individually.


Although the leaves seen in the background resemble pomegranate leaves, a careful look reveals that they turn into human figures. This shows that society is depicted as a whole and that people participate in the cycle of time. The connection of the leaves to the pomegranate emphasizes that individuals are closely connected to the state or society and that this connection grows stronger over time. Leaves can also symbolize the cycle of nature, renewal and continuity. People are born, grow and participate in society; each individual’s contribution, like the role of a leaf in a tree, serves the overall structure of society over time.


The title “Time” in the painting is one of the key concepts of the work. Time is seen here not only as a measure in the lives of individuals, but also as an element that ensures the continuity of societies and states. The painter has symbolized the flow of time and the transformation within this flow through the flow of the pomegranate and the formation of golden grains. This shows that individual life is temporary, but society and the state can produce permanent values over time.