“Every picture I drew was a question I asked my life.” 

Eyvazova Kafiyə is a dynamic young Azerbaijani painter who expresses her own experiences and thoughts through visual and decorative arts, exploring humanism, gender issues, psychology and national themes. Placing great emphasis on bridging the gap between national tradition and modernity, Kafiyə uniquely combines complex motifs and vibrant colors with deep philosophical undertones in her work.


Kafiyə started painting from a very young age, and his first steps into professional art began at the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Decorative Arts, followed by a master’s degree in Artistic Carpet. Her educational pursuits reflect her determination to revitalize Azerbaijani carpet-making traditions through innovative compositions.

At the heart of Kafiyə’s creativity is his belief that works of art transcend mere aesthetic appeal and serve as a catalyst for empathy and introspection on human, psychological and philosophical issues. These issues are abstract in character, and at the same time, using art for their visual perception is the main inspiration for his creative process. Kafiyə had a deterministic approach to his paintings from early childhood, and this influence is even more evident in his artistic production today. He completes his compositions by first transforming his thoughts into specific symbols, then transforming these symbols or signs into stylized motifs, patterns and forms, and finally placing them in an aesthetic order. His artworks, often characterized by symmetrical but deeply symbolic compositions, also seek to draw the viewer’s attention to national cultural heritage.


Kafiyə has participated in major exhibitions both locally and internationally, including the Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum and various prestigious galleries in Baku. Her first solo exhibition “Spring Song” at the Shirvan Folklore House was met with great interest in the city of Shirvan.


Kafiyə’s works are kept in the UK, the Netherlands and local private collections. In 2023, she was selected as one of three artists representing women artists living in the regions for the “Decenterelation of her art” project organized by the “Var Yox” team, highlighting her role in promoting regional diversity and strengthening local artistic production in Azerbaijan.


Kafiyə has been featured in important publications such as Elfira Melikova’s “Museology of Azerbaijan” (monograph volume 2), which provides information about Kafiyə Eyvazova and her modern style linen carpet “Birlik” (page 305).


Kafiyə continues to work both as a graphic designer and creative painter. In 2024, she had the opportunity to showcase her talents as both illustrator and cover designer of the book “From Immortals to the Dead”. Contributing to the illustrations and cover design of the book has been an exciting project for her.


Kafiyə continues to cross artistic boundaries by participating in various projects and exhibitions, constantly striving to create meaningful discourse and inspire new perspectives with her thought-provoking works.




Bachelor, Decorative Arts. Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts (ADMIU). Diploma – June 2021


Master’s Degree, Artistic Carpet. Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts (ADMIU). Diploma – February 2024




2024 – “Her Art in Action” Gazzeli Arthouse. Baku 

Curators: Sitare Ibrahimbeyli, Olga Seleznyova, Leslie Grey


2023 – Exhibition of works by 7 women artists organized by “Decentralization of Her Art” and “Var Yox” team. Nargih Gallery, Baku, Azerbaijan 

Curator: Sitare Ibrahimbeyli


2022 – Exhibition dedicated to the “Year of Shusha”. ADMIU, Baku, Azerbaijan


2022 – “Silver Pomegranate Festival” exhibition of creative works of ADMIU Faculty of Painting. ADMIU, Baku, Azerbaijan


2022 – Exhibition of handicrafts of young people dedicated to the “Year of Shusha”. Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum, Baku, Azerbaijan


2022 – “In the Footsteps of Ag Maral” project dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Hungary. ADMIU, Baku, Azerbaijan


2018 – “Shami Shəbistan” damask exhibition, Nur Art House, Baku, Azerbaijan


2017 – Solo exhibition titled “Colors of Spring”. Şirvan Folklore House 

Curator: Çinare Ziya


2017 – “Egypt through the Eyes of Azerbaijani Children”


2016 – “Green Art” exhibition, ADRA, Baku, Azerbaijan